Insignia NS-C2000 Clock Radio with iPod Docking Station
2Plug a video cable (not included) into the VIDEO OUT jack on the
back of your clock radio.
3Plug the other end of the video cable in to the VIDEO IN jack on
your video device.
4Turn on your clock radio.
5Press the button on your clock radio or remote control.
6If necessary, turn the Volum e dial to adjust the volume.
7Press the , , and buttons to control iPod playback.
Listening to other portable audio devices
To listen to another portable audio device:
1Make sure that your clock radio is turned off.
2Connect the line-in cable on the audio device to the Aux In jack
on your clock radio.
3Slide the Buzzer/Radio/iPod/Aux switch to iPod/Aux.
4Use the controls on the audio device to control playback.
5If necessary, turn the Volum e dial to adjust the volume.
Charging the iPod battery
To charge the iPod battery:
1Turn on your iPod.
07-342_NS-C2000 Final.fm Page 13 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 7:16 PM