150 Global Call API for HMP on Windows Programming Guide — August 2006
condition. The application receives a GCEV_UNBLOCKED event to indicate that the line device has moved to an
unblocked condition from a previously blocked condition. See also blocked.
unsupervised transfer: A transfer in which the call is transferred without any consultation or announcement by
the person transferring the call.
UUI: User-to-User Information. Proprietary messages sent to remote system during call establishment.
Vari-A-Bill: Service bureaus can vary the billing rate of a 900 call at any time during the call. Callers select
services from a voice-automated menu and each service can be individually priced.
voice channel: Designates a bi-directional transfer of data for a single call between a voice device processing
that call and the SCbus. Digitized voice from the T1/E1 interface device is transmitted over the SCbus to the voice
receive (listen) channel for processing by the voice device. The voice device sends the response to the call over the
voice transmit channel to an SCbus time slot that transmits this response to the T1/E1 interface device.
voice handle: SRL device handle associated with a voice channel; equivalent to the device handle returned from
the voice library's dx_open( ) function.
voice resource: See voice channel.