surface of the water in an area that has smooth water flow - usually on the transom of the boat. There are several mounting options for the transducer. Review the following section to determine the method that works for you and your boat.
Determining How to Mount the Transducer
The 150SX includes a model
bonded to the inside of a fiberglass hull boat.
The transom installation, which is the most widely used, places the transducer on the outside of the boat hull. This technique produces the least signal loss, and provides a way to adjust the transducer after installation. The mounting hardware included is designed to protect both the boat and the transducer should the boat strike debris in the water or when trailering.
Transom Mounted Transducer
As an alternative to transom mounting, it is possible on many fiberglass- hulled boats to glue the transducer on the inside of the boat hull. Since fiberglass has similar sonar character- istics as water, the sonar signal can
pass through the boat hull with
minimal loss. The hull of the boat
must be single layer construction (not
For additional details reference the TRANSDUCER INSTALLATION section of the enclosed Installation Sheet.
Inside the Hull Mounted Transducer