Help text at the bottom of the screen provides information on the selected item.
Port: Displays the ports of the switch.
Speed: Press the zto toggle the field’s options and change the speed of the port. You can toggle three settings:
Auto = speed and duplex are negotiated automatically 100 = port is forced to 100Mbps
10 = port is forced to 10Mbps
Duplex: Press the zto toggle the duplex setting of the port. When the port Speed is set to “Auto,” duplex displays a < - > and is handled automatically.
Flow Control: Press the zto enable or disable flow control. When the port Speed is set to “Auto” flow control displays a < - > and is handled automatically.
SAVE SETTINGS: Saves configuration changes and resets the switch ( c+ S also saves the settings and resets the switch).
RESET TO DEFAULTS: Resets the switch back to factory defaults. When this option is selected, the switch asks you to confirm your choice. Press “Y” (or “y”) for Yes and the switch will reset. Press “N” (or “n”) for No and the action is cancelled.