A. Specifications
J10 (Floppy Drive Cable Connector) J10 is an internal (not available on the faceplate) 34-pin connector (AMP 104340-7)
providing a ribbon cable interface for the processor board's floppy drive signals. See the
“J10 Floppy Drive Cable Connector Pinout” table for pin definitions and the “Connector
Locations” figure to identify J10 on the ZT 4807.
J10 Floppy Drive Cable Connector Pinout
Pin Function Pin Function
1 Ground 2 DENSL
3 Ground 4 N/C
5 Ground 6 N/C
7 Ground 8 INDEX-
9 Ground 10 MTR0-
11 Ground 12 DR1-
13 Ground 14 DR0-
15 Ground 16 MTR1-
17 Ground 18 DIR-
19 Ground 20 STEP-
21 Ground 22 WDATA-
23 Ground 24 WGATE-
25 Ground 26 TRK0-
27 Ground 28 WP-
29 Ground 30 RDATA-
31 Ground 32 HDSEL-
33 Ground 34 DSKCHG-