Axxess® Model 8662 Phone User Guide – Axxess IP Mode
WHAT YOU SEE AND HEARYour Model 8662 Phone and the telephone system come equipped with many fea-
tures. To help you understand what everything means, it is recommended that you
read the following information before you use your phone:
• A red lamp indicates that a call is ringing, holding, or active on your phone.
• The phone’s lamps may be solidly lit or flashing to indicate the status of a call or
feature. To avoid confusion, this guide uses different icons to signify that a lamp
is unlit ( ), lit, ( ), or flashing ( ).
• If you hear four fast tones or repeating fast tones (reorder tone), you have pressed
an invalid button combination, tried to select a restricted line, dialed a restricted
or invalid number, dialed too slowly between digits, or waited too long before
performing the next step. Hang up and try again.
• Your telephone system may be programmed for one or two dial tones. Systems
with two dial tones have one for intercom calls and one for outside calls.
• Many features “time out” if you wait too long before performing the next step. If
this happens, you must hang up and start over.
• “Off-hook” means that the handset is lifted, and “on-hook” indicates that the
handset is in the cradle. For example, you must first go “off-hook” to make a call,
but you must go “on-hook” to end a call.