Inter-Tel® Model 8690 User Guide (SIP Mode)
USING THE SYSTEM TRAY MENUTo access the system tray menu, press the system tray icon (see page10) to display
the menu. Menu-accessible options are discussed throughout this section.
Setting Options
The system tray menu provides access to the Options dialog box, which allows you to
set options for your client application. The Options dialog box contains the Session,
Appearance, Behavior, Advanced and About tabs. These tabs have options you can
set and information about the endpoint.
The following instructions explain how to set the available options in the Options dia-
log box. Some of these settings require information you must obtain from your net-
work administrator. To open the Options dialog box, press the system tray icon, then
select Options from the menu. The Options dialog box opens to the Session tab.
Session Tab
To set or edit options on the Session tab:
1. Enter the Web Address that you use to access UC.
2. Enter your account User name. (This is the same username that you use to log
on to UC on your desktop PC.)
3. Enter your account Password. (This is the same password that you use to log on
to UC on your desktop PC.)
4. Enable the Automatically log on option if you would lik e UC to launch without
having to enter the Web address, username, and password information.
If this option is enabled, the application will not prompt you for Web address,
username and password information, unless you have not already provided it or
the logon fails.
NOTE: Enabling the Automatically log on option will not automatically launch
UC. See page 70 for instructions on how to log on to UC.
5. Press OK in the upper-right corner of the Options dialog box or select another
tab to edit.
NOTE: Check with your network administrator before changing these fields.