74 Inter-Tel® Model 8690 User Guide (SIP Mode)
Device icons
Indicates that the DND status for the device is currently unknown. This
icon displays if the type-ahead results display a device that is not currently in
your address book. Press this icon to retrieve the status. The snapshot reverts
back to an unknown state in approximately 30 seconds. This icon can also
appear when the node the device belongs to is down or when the connection
between UC and the CT Gateway is down.
Indicates that the DND status for the device is currently OFF.
Indicates that the DND status for the device is currently ON.
Indicates that the device is currently on a call.
Static contact icons
Indicates a simple contact in your address book. No status information
is available for this result type.
Indicates a simple company contact in your address book. No status
information is available for this result type.
• Source: Indicates where the search result was found. The source may be one of
the following: address book, accounts, or devices.
• Options: Pressing the icon opens the Call dialog box. You can place a new
call or transfer the selected call in your Call List to this contact.
To perform a search:
1. Press Unified Communicator on the endpoint display.
2. Press Search.
3. Use the Input Panel to enter search information by contact or device name or by