Using the Keyboard

Function (Fn) Key

Numeric Keypad

The VersaPointRF Wireless Keyboard operates like a traditional wired computer keyboard, except that it requires no cable to your computer. That is, simply point it in the general direction of the receiver and type on it. There are, however, a few unique features:

The VersaPointRF Wireless Keyboard achieves the functionality of 104 keys with only 88 keys within a very compact size. To accomplish this, some keys are used more than once. The Fn key located at the lower left corner of the key matrix and several other keys have legends delineated with light blue letters to indicate multiple function. For example, when the Fn key is depressed followed by the F12 key, Insert mode is toggled. This is indicated by the abbreviation Ins printed in light blue on the same F12 key.

Again to save space, the VersaPointRF Wireless Keyboard has its numeric keypad built in, using some existing keys twice. The numeric keypad is laid out on the right side of the keyboard, in a format similar to the keypad on a full size keyboard and has the keypad functions marked in blue. To activate the keypad, simply press the Num Lock key. The indicator LED on the receiver will light and the marked keys on the right side of the keyboard will change to their keypad functions.
