Driving attributes
Range according to | • | 70 | Ah / 6 km/h | • | approx. 46 km |
ISO 7176, approx. |
| version |
| |
| • | 70 | Ah / 10 km/h | • | approx. 38 km |
| version |
Note: The wheelchair's range depends strongly on various factors, such as battery charge, ambient temperature, local topography, road conditions, tyre pressure, driver's weight, driving habits and the usage the batteries for lighting, actuators, and so on. Under optimum conditions the 6 km/h version of the STORM has attained up to 50 km.
Speed | • | (S, C, R, P) | • | up to 6 km/h |
| • | (XS, XC, XR, XP) | • | up to 10 km/h |
Smallest turning |
| • | approx. 170 cm |
circle |
Climbing capability |
| • up to 18% on solid ground | |
Maximum obstacle | • | Front wheel | • | 4 cm |
height |
| 200x50, |
| without kerb |
| climber |
| • | Front wheel | • | 6 cm |
| 3.00x4”, |
| without kerb |
| climber |
| • | Front wheel | • | 10 cm |
| 3.00x4”, |
| with kerb climber |