Part No.1106644 21 Nutron® Series
Percentage of Weight Distribution
DO NOT attempt to reach objects if you have to move forward in the seat or pick
them up from the floor by reaching down between your knees.
Proper positioning is essential for your safety. When reaching, leaning, bending or
bending forward, it is important to use the casters as a tool to maintain stability and
Many activities require the wheelchair user to reach, bend and transfer in and out of
the wheelchair. These movements will cause a change to the normal balance, cen-
ter of gravity, and weight distribution of the wheelchair. To determine and establish
your particular safety limits, practice bending, reaching and transferring activities in
several combinations in the presence of a qualified healthcare professional before
attempting active use of the wheelchair.
Reaching, Leaning andBending - Forward
NOTE:Forthisprocedure,refertoFIGURE 3.2.
1. Positionthefrontcastersasfarforward
2. Engageclutchesand,ifapplicable,
DO NOT attempt to reach objects if
you have to move forward in the seat or
pick them up from the floor by reaching
down between your knees.
*Wheel locks are an option. You may
order the wheelchair with or without
wheel locks. Transfer to and from the
wheelchair in the presence of a qualified
healthcare professional to determine
individual safety limits. Invacare
strongly recommends ordering the
wheel locks as an additional safeguard
for the wheelchair user.
FIGURE 3.2 Reaching, Leaning and
Bending - Forward