7.3 Adjusting speed
The user can adjust the chair’s top speed to suit their preferences
and environment. The currently selected top speed is shown on
the Speedometer and can be adjusted using the “Increase Speed”
(2) and “Reduce Speed” (1) buttons.
7.4 Using the speedometer
Each of the speedometer’s 6 large LEDs typically represent 0%,
20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the chair’s maximum speed.
The Speedometer is used to gauge the relative speed of the chair
in comparison to the maximum speed possible. The right-most
LED indicates current maximum speed, which can be adjusted
using the Increase (Decrease) Speed button.
If the bottom, left-most GREEN LED is flashing SHARK is in
SPEED LIMIT mode, which limits the drive speed to a pre-
programmed value, typically when a seat is raised or tilted and
driving too fast may be dangerous.