3. Go2NovaTM 8407 Hand Controller
RA+ |
| RA- |
HBX Serial
Port Port
Figure 18. Go2Nova 8407 hand controller
The Go2NovaTM 8407 hand controller (HC) shown in Figure 18 is one of the controllers that used for the iEQ45 mount. It has an integrated temperature controller that ensures it can be operated below 20ºC
3.1.Key Description
•MENU Key: Press “MENU” to enter the Main Menu.
•BACK Key: Move back to the previous screen, or end/cancel current operation, such as slewing.
•ENTER Key: Confirm an input, go to the next menu, select a choice, or slew the telescope to a selected object.
•Arrow (▲▼◄►) Keys: The arrow keys are used to control the movement of DEC and R.A. axes. Press and hold
•Number Keys: Input numerical values. Also used to adjust manually slewing speeds (1: 1X; 2: 2X;
3: 8X; 4: 16X; 5: 64X; 6: 128X; 7: 256X; 8: 512X; 9: MAX)
•Light Key(☼): Turns on/off the red LED reading light on the back of the controller.
•? Key: Identify and display bright stars or objects where the telescope points to.
•STOP/0 Key: Stop the mount during GOTO. Also toggling between start and stop tracking.
•HBX (Handbox) port: connect the HC to the iEQ45 mount using a