
Cautions in the Start/Stop Trigger Mode.

1. The input of ext. VD signal must be given continuously to synchronize with int. VD signal. It is not possible to input ext. VD signal randomly.

2. The exposure start may delay up to 1H max., when the falling edge of ext. trigger pulse is not synchronized with the falling edge of ext. HD signal. To avoid this 1H jitter and delay, the falling edge of the ext. trigger pulse should be synchronized within 4.4 usec. to the HD pulse. It can be the ext. HD input or the internal HD output.

Shown under cautions in Edge Pre-select Mode page 7.

3. If the ext. VD input and ext. HD input are from a source with TTL level, set SW2-1 and SW2-2 on PK8041 board OFF for non-terminated. SW2-1 for ext. HD signal, SW2-2 for ext. VD signal. See “7.2 SW2 on PK8041 Board”.

4. EachExscanningt.Trg. mode requires the following number of external trigger pulses: - 2:1 interlaced:VD 2 external trigger pulses per frame

- Non-posureinte laced: 1 external1 trigger pulse per field2 a) IntimeVideorlaced mode (Framet1 accumulation mode) t1

b) 2:1ExtimeVideotposure.TrgInterlacedVD. mode1 (Field accumulation mode)2

c) NonExtimeVideotposure.TrgVD-interlace.moded1 (Field accumulation mode)

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JAI CV-M300 operation manual