External Inout Setua
For external sources (IV wdeo and auxiliary] you must define which p_ugs are used for the audio connection. For each source, the mDU[ plugs can be: Analog SCART, Digita optlca Dig_taI coaxial
Audio Settings
Jamo has tuned the product to give you the best possible sound experience (Jamo Reference]. Under acoustic setup, you can neutralize these settings or enhance them further by selecting dynamic soun& Speakersizeis usedto makethe right basemanagement When usingsmall front speakers,try to place the subwoofer between the front speakers. Speakers level let you change the level on the speakers individually. Selectthe channel you want to changeand use the volume buttons to adjust up and down.
Miscellaneous Settings
This display lets you set your preferred level of protection on the films. Some films are divided into levels, so that parents can prevent their children from seeing a specific type of film. In the next menu item, you createa passwordthat is required for editing this setup*. The light in the DVDReceiver'sdisplay can be modified from dim to normal or bright. All settings can be reset in the "Restore settings" menu, and the Quick setup can be reqnitiated fr0m the last menu.
*If you wish to modify this setup later on, you must
To leavea menu, pressthe !eft arrow on the remote control