
If possible use the anginal packing _naterial for anv shppmg. Otherwise. reoack the DVR 50 using:

A reinforced carat)oara t)ox. s[rong enough to carrv the weight of the _roaue[. At least 6 em 2.36 inches of shock-absorbing "nater_al around _ne DroaLIc[. Nonabrasive dust-free material for the other DarEs.

Nonabrasive wrapping for the product. IDusz and dirt cover)

Repack the Droau¢[ In such a wa_ as to ensure that it cannot shift in the box during [ranspoE.

Information we mus_ receive before repairing the proauc_:

Mode name: Jamo OVD Receiver DVR 50

Serial no.:

Fault descriDtion (if ooss_ble]:

Copy of the invoice or sales receipt

The dealer's name aaaress ana onone no,

Personal information: Name, aaoress, Dost codele_t', phone no. and e-mail address oDt_onalj. Your signa£ure

Dealer'sstamp and sfgna_ure Date


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JAMO 50 manual Packaging