




More information is available at Jamo'swebsite.



At our website, vou can update the DVD Reeeive¢s firmwaretoperatlng svstem with the latest new features. To do so aowmoaa me software from me aowmoaa section at the website. Then burn it on a CD-R and load it into the DVD receiver. See our website under download for

additional information.

If vou ao not nave lnternet access or do not own or haveaccessto a CD burner, an uDea[e can oe 3umhasedfrom the dealer where vou purcnasea 3ur DVD Receiver.

]amo reserves the rign[ _o change al! settings ano specifications without nohce.

Environmental information

The s,.stem is made of recJclable materials which can oe reused if disassembled b. authorised personne

Please follow Iota regulations for the disposat of packaging materials, used batteries and discarded units.


This e "oduet contains copyright technology which is protected pursuant _o me Da_en_s_na_ are the 2roDer[v of Macrovision CorDorahon ann omer copyright holders. An. use of this copyright technology mus_ De aDDrovecl bv Macrovision Corporation. The technology is intended for use in the home unless otherwise aDDroveo ov Macrovision Corporation. Breakdown and d_sassemb{v are prohibited.

Made under license from Dolby Laboratories. "Dolby" and the doubte "D" svmDm are £raaemarKs of Do{by Laboratories. "DTS" and "DTS Digital Out" are trademarks of Digitat Theater Systems Inc.


In case of warranty enc Jlrles. D ease con[acl 3ur dealer. In case of request for service under warrant, c ease enclose your or gina receipt. ImDortant: Never send the _roauc[ [o De reomred w_thout prior agreement. If the DVD olaver is STILL UNDER WARRANTY, Jamo wdl pay freight costs bacK and forth between the dealer and the Jamo authorised service centre. Any other freignt must oe paid for b\ the customer. The proauct mus[ alwavs be packed properly, otherwise the Droauct warran_v wdl be discontinued. If the DVD ma/or _sNOT UNDER WARRANT_ all costs must be _a_d for b the cus_omee

Warranty certificate

Jamo Drov_des a lwent _-four 124_ month warrant_ from the date of purchase against material ane manufacturing defects. For defects coverea oy [ne Narranw, the 3roauct mus[ De returnea [o me eealer that sold the prooue[, or refer to the enclosed appendix on the Jamo Instant Reaair Service. The

expected time of reoa_r, including transport, _sapprox_matel5 five working days (eXCeDt for female areas}.

If any problems arise, information from our authorised service centres is avadable at the following aaaress, or from the dealer WhO said the Droauc[.

Terms of Warranty

I.The warranw is onlv valid on presentation of the original sales receipt, and if the serial number on the proaucl is ful v legible.

2.The obligations of Jamo are limited either to repair or red acement of defective components. The repair or replacement of defective comoonents is oasec_on an assessment: O1.Jamo.

Exchange {s onlv DOSSibIeif the reDmr cannot be performed.

3.Warranty reDmrs must be earned out b. an authonsed Jamo deale _ or an authonsed service centre. No remuneration is [)rovided for

repairs performed by Jnauthorised workshops. Any repairs or damage to the product caused b'.unauthonsed intervention are not covered b. th_s warrant..

4.This product will not be considered as bein_ defective, e_ther m materials or _ manufacture, if ada[)tation to national _oea_,technical or safety- re,area requirements _sreau_red m countries other than the specific countrv for which the product was originally designed and manufactured.

5.This warranty noes no_ cover _nese tVDeS of adaptations, and no remuneration will be offered for these types of adaptations or for any conseouent_a aamages. The warrant, ooes not cover the following:

a_ _eriodic inspectlon, malntenance and reDalr or replacement of Dar_s resulting from normal wear. ol Costs connec_eo to _ransport, disassemb, or mstallat_on of the oroauc_.

cl Misuse, including use for purposes other than was intended, or faulty mstallahon.

dl Damage caused bv hghtning, water, fire. naturm catastrophes, war, insurrectmn, ncorrect line voltage insufficient venhlahon or other causes outside of the control of Jamo.

6.This warranty apphes to every _egal owner of the product during the warranty period


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JAMO 50 manual Support