No sound from JBL Radial | No power to unit | Make sure wall power outlet or | Is the LED On? |
| power strip has power. Make |
| sure all switches for outlet / | If the LED is not on, power is |
| power strip are on and that all | not getting to your JBL Radial. |
| switches for speaker system |
| are on. | Try the solutions shown. |
| Incorrect source selection | Ensure that the iPod is |
| properly docked or that the |
| auxillary cable is properly con- |
| nected to an external audio |
| device. |
| Turn up the volume. |
| Check the system with a |
| known good source. |
| Connect the |
| the headphone jack on your |
| iPod. |
Sound only comes from one | iPod or audio cable is not | Make sure the iPod or Aux in | If you are using an extension |
side / channel. | seated properly. | cable is seated all the way into | cable or a third party cable, |
| the JBL Radial. | make sure it is a stereo |
| 3.5mm male to male cable. |
Distortion (static, crackling or | Noise may be caused by | Turn monitor off to see if noise |
hissing sound) | interference from a monitor, | is eliminated. |
| cell phone or other transmit- |
| ting device. | Move JBL Radial cables |
| farther away from monitor. |
7 | JBL® Radial Manual |