Hintsfor Best Performance

Your power drive train is comprised of a variable speed pulley with four forward speeds, reverse, and a two step, double chain, reduction to thetines.

The 1 Y4inch tine shaft is supported by two self-lubricating bronze bearings. The 16 hardened tines will handle the toughest of gardening tasks.

Ten inch by 2.75 inch rib tread tires support the back of the tiller. The rear wheel height is adjustable for greater versatility.

The forward and penetrating acti-;n of the tiller is obtained from the rotating action of the tines in the soi I. The depth bar acts as a brake for the tiller and controls the depth and forward speed. By lowering the setting of the depth bar. the forward speed of the tiller is reduced and the working depth of the tines is increased. Raising the setting of the

depth bar increases the forward speed and reduces the working

depth. When soil condition.s are

severe and several passes must be

made over a certain area the depth bar setting should be lowered each time a pass is made.

Further control of tilling depth and travel speed can be obtained by variation of pressure on the handle. A downward pressure on the han- dles will increase the working depth and reduce the forward speed. An upward pressure on the handles will reduce the working depth and in- crease the forward speed.

The type of soil and working con- ditior-.s will determine the actual setting of the depth bar and the handle pressure required.

When tilling ground that has not been tilled before, do not try to till to maxi- mum depth in one pass. Set the depth bar for half the depth you desire, then reset the depth bar to full depth and go over the tilled area the second time.

Till only when the soil is relatively dry and crumbles easily. If the soil is too wet when you till it will leave large clods of soil rather than a good seed



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JC Penney 3032B manual Hintsfor Best Performance, Bed, Depth. When soil condition.s are