Radio Operation

9. Select a Band

PressBAND (9) to change between two FM bands (FM1 and F M2), oneAM band (AM) and the
weather band (WTHR). When an FM stereo broadcase is being received, the ST indication will
appear in the display. If operating the unit in areas outside North America, the band designation
may include LW or SW, and the weather function may be disabled.

10. Time/Frequency Selector (T/F)

PressT/F (10) to select whether the clock time or radio frequency/playbac k functions will appear
in the display. When the time is selected as the priority setting, the display will automatically
return to the time display five seconds after any radio, auxiliary or audiofunction is displayed.
When the frequency setting is selected, the displaywill automatically return to the time display
five seconds after any radio, auxiliary or audio function is displayed.

11. Tun ing

Manual Tuning
Press the up tuning button (11a) or down tuningbutton (11b) momentarily to tune the frequency
one step higher or lower.
Automatic Seek Tuning
Press the up or down tuning button for more than one second, and the radio will seek the next
available strong station. Alternately, press and continue to hold a tuningbutton to tune rapidly in
the selected direction. When the button is released, the unit will seek the next strong station.
Note: Seek tuning is not available for weather band channels.Use the up or down tuning
buttons to manuallyselect any of the seven available weatherband chan nels.

12. Preset Stations

Six numbered preset buttons(12) store and recall stations for each band.
Store a Stat ion
Select a band (ifneeded), then select a station. Hold a preset button for three seconds. The
current station will be stored, and the corresponding preset number will appear in the display.
Recall a Station
Select a band (ifneeded). Press a preset button momentarily, and the unit will tune to the
corresponding stored station.
Note: Preset buttons will not function in weather bandmode.
Weather Band Operation

What is the NOAA Weather Radio/Weatheradio Canada?

Thisis a nationwide system that broadcasts local weather emergencyinformation 24 hours a day. The
U.S. networkhas more than 530 stations coveringthe 50 states as well asthe adjacent costal waters,
Puerto Rico,the U.S. Virgin Islands and the U.S.Pacific Territories. Eachlocal area has its own
transmittingstation and there are a total of sevenbroadca st ingfrequencies used. A similar system is
availablein Canada under the Weatheradio Canada service administered byEnvironment Canada.


Sincethe broadcasts are local weather andinf or mation, thetransmission power is usually very low
(muchless than standard AM or FM stations)so you will usually receive only one stationunless you
areon the edge of two or more broadcast signals. The most youwill receive will be two orthr ee,and
that israre.

Is it possible I won't receive any stations?

Dependingon where you are located, there is apossibi lityyou will receive only a very weaksignal or
noneat all. Also, similar to AM and FMsignals, weatherband signals are subject to surrounding
conditions,weather, obstructions of the signal by hills ormountains, etc.

How will I know I am tuned to Weatherband?

Whenyou select the weather band, the indication "WTHR" will appear on the display panel, along with
thecurrent channel indication: "CH1", CH2", "CH3", "CH4", "CH5", "CH6" or "CH7". Usethe up and
downtuning buttons to tune to each of the sevenchannels until you find the weatherband station
broadcastingin your area.

Radio Operation