Installation (continued)

Universal Installation (Using Mounting Sleeve)

1) Remove endcaps and slide the mounting sleeve offof the chassis. If it is locked into position,
use the removaltools (supplied) to disengage it.
2) Check the dashboard opening size by sliding the mounting sleeve into it. If the opening is not
large enough, carefully cut or file as necessary until the sleeve slides easily into the opening. Do
notforce the sleeve into the opening or cause it to bend or bow. Checkthat there will be sufficient
space behind thedashboard for the radio chassis. Connect wires prior to actually installing the
sleeve. Pigtail wiring shouldtake place after hole size is confirmed. Mount sleeve after wiring.
3) Follow the wiring diagram carefully and make certain all connections of the wiring harness are
properly secured and insulated to insure proper operation of this unit. After completing the wiring
connections, turn the unit on to confirm operation( ignition switch must be "on"). If unit does not
operate,recheck all wiring until the problem is corrected. Once proper operation is achieved, turn
off ignition switch and proceed with final mounting of the chassis.
4) Locate the series of bend tabsalong the top, bottom, and sides of the mounting sleeve. With
the sleeve fully inserted into the dash opening, bend tabs outward so that the sleeve is firmly
securedto the dashboard.
5) Carefully slide the radio into themounting sleeve making sure it is right side up until it is fully
seatedand the spring clips lock it into place.
6) Attach one end of the perforated mounting strap (supplied) to the screw stud on the rear of the
chassis using the flange nut provided. Fasten the other end of the perforated strap to a secure
part of the dashboard, either above or belowthe radio usin g the screw and flange nut provided,
bend the strap to position as necessary.
CAUTION:The rear of the radio must be supported with the strap to prevent damage to the
dashboard from the weight of the radio or improper operation due to vibration.

Kit Installation

1. If your radio requires the use of an installationkit to mount this radio, follow the instr uctions
included in the kit toattach the radio to the mounting plate supplied with the kit.
2. Wire and test the radio as described.
3. Install the radio/mounting plate assembly to the sub-dash according to the instructions of the
installation kit.
4. Attach the support strap to the radio and dashboard as described in step 6 on page 2.
5. Replace the dashboard trim panel.
Theradio can be programmed to change options and factory settings. Follow the steps that follow
to modify the unitas required.

Configuration of the Clock Display (12 or 24 Hour)

PressAUDIO ADJUST for more than three seconds. The unit will enter the general configuration
menu and display CL-24 or CL-12.To select 12 hour clock operation, press the up tuning button
once or until CL-12is displayed. If 24-hour cloc k operationis desired, press the up tuning button
until CL-24 is displayed. To exit, press AUDIO ADJUST again orthe configuration menu time out
(takes about five seconds).

Configuration of Auxiliary Low-Level Audio Input

PressAUDIO ADJUST for more than three seconds. The unit will enter the general configuration
menu.To configure the radio to accept low-level audio signal, scroll through menu items until
"AUX--**"(where ** can equal Y or N) is displayed. Usethe u p tuning button to change the option
to"AUX-Y". To disable this feature,use the up tuning button tochange back to "AUX-N". Toexit,
pressAUDIO ADJUST again or the configuration menu ti me out (takes about five seconds).
Note: If this feature is disabled, thefront panel jack will also be disabled.