•Romeo (31 characters)
Up to 200 characters can be displayed in the long file name format. For a list of available characters, see the instruction manual of the writing software and the section “Entering File and Folder Names” that follows. The media reproducible on this unit has the following limitations:
•Maximum number of nested folders: 8
•Maximum number of files per disc: 1500
•Maximum number of folders per disc: 255
MP3/WMA files written in formats other than those listed above will not play successfully and their file or folder names will not display properly.
MP3/WMA Encoder and CD Writer Settings
Use the following settings when compressing audio data with the MP3 encoder.
•Transfer bit rate: 8 - 320 kbps
•Sampling frequency: 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
When using a CD writer to record MP3/WMA up to the maximum disc capacity, disable additional writing. To record an empty disc up to the maximum capacity at once, select the “disc at once” option.
Entering ID3 Tag
This unit supports ID3 tag version 2.0. For character codes, refer to the table to the right.
Entering File and Folder Names
Names using the code list characters are the only file names and folder names that can be entered and displayed. Using any other character will cause the file and folder names to be displayed incorrectly. The unit
recognizes and plays only files with the MP3/WMA extension.
NOTE: A file name entered with characters not on the code list may not play correctly.
Electronic Shock Protection
•10 seconds for
•>45 seconds for MP3 recorded at 44.1kHz, 128kbps
•>90 seconds for WMA recorded at 44.1kHz, 128kbps
Bit Rates
The unit supports bit rates from 32 - 320 kbps.
MP3 Playing Order
When selected for play, files and folders (Folder Search, File Search or Folder Select) are accessed in the order in which they were written to the media. As a result, the order in which they are expected to be played may not match the order in which they are actually played. You may be able to set the order in which MP3/WMA files are to be played by assigning file names beginning with play sequence numbers such as "01" to "99".
For example, a medium with the following folder/file hierarchy is subject to Folder Search, File Search or Folder Select as shown below.
The VM8013HD player will only recognize three folder levels and does not display folders containing only other folders. In the example above, the unit will display folders 3, 4, 6, and 8, but not 2 and 7 since they do not contain