Wear eye pro t ect ion.
Always keep guards in place and in proper operating condit ion. Do not op erat e the machi ne
wi th ou t the gu ards for an y reason.
This sander is intended to be used with wood and wood products only. Use of this sander and a
dust collector with metal products is a potential fire hazard.
Support the workpiece adequatel y at all times during operat io n; maintain cont rol of th e wo rk at all
This sander is designed and intended for use by properly trained and experienced personnel only.
If you are not familiar with the proper and safe operation of a sander, do not use until proper
training and knowledge has been obtained.
REMOVE ADJUSTING KEYS AND WRENCHES. Form a habit of chec ki ng to see that keys and
adjust ing wrenches are r emoved from the machine befor e turni ng it on.
KEEP T HE WORK AREA CLEAN. Clutter ed ar eas and benches inv it e accidents.
DON’T US E IN A DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT. Don’t use power tools in dam p or wet loc ations,
or expose them to rain. Keep work area well li ghted.
KEEP CHILDREN AWAY. All v isitor s should be kept a safe dist anc e from the work area.
MAKE T HE WORKSHOP KIDPROO F wit h padlocks, master swatche s, or by r em oving starter keys.
DON’T FO RCE THE MACHINE. It will do the job bet ter and safer at the rate for which it was
USE THE RI GHT TOOL. Don’t force a machine or attachment to do a job f or whic h it was not
USE THE PROPER EX TENSI ON C ORD. Make sure your extensi on c ord is in good condit ion. When
using an extensi on c or d, be sure t o use one heavy enough to carry the current your mac hi ne will
draw. An undersi z ed c or d will cause a drop in the line v oltage resulting i n power l oss and
ov erheating. The t able following shows the cor rect si z e to use depending on the cord length and
nam eplate ampere r ating. If in doubt, use the next heavier gauge. Remember , the smaller the gauge
num ber, the heavier the cord.
Volts Total Length of Cord in Feet
120V 25 50
16 14
WEAR PROPER APPAREL. Do not wear loose clot hing, gl ov es, nec k ties, rings, brac elet s, or other
jewel r y whic h m ay get caught in mov ing parts. Nonslip footwear i s recom mended. Wear prot ec tive
hair covering to contai n long hair .
ALWAYS USE SAFETY GLASSES. Also use fac e or dust masks if the cutt ing operation i s dusty.
Everyday eyeglasses onl y have im pact resistant lenses; they are not safety gl asses.
DON’T OVE RRE ACH. Keep pr oper footing and balance at all times.
MAINT AIN TOOLS WIT H CARE. Keep tools sharp and c lean for best and safest performance.
Follow instructions f or l ubri c ating and changing accessories.