Figure 11
6.10 Clamping Pressu re
The XACTA Fence has been adjusted by the
manufacturer to lock securely when lock handle is
pushed down. If adjustment i s needed:
1. Unlock fence.
2. Remove fence from guide tube and turn it
3. Adjust each of two setscrews (A, Figure 11)
exactly the same number of rotations until the
fence is held sec urely when lock handle is
pushed down.
6.11 Checking 90° to Table
1. Place fence on saw table and lock it.
2. Place a square (A, Figure 12) on table next to
fence. The fence should be 90° to the table.
3. If adjustment is necess ary, unloc k fenc e and
turn one of two nylon adjustment screws (B,
Figure 12) un til fence is 90° to table.
4. Loc k fence and che ck the adjus tment again .

Figure 12

6.12 Cursor Adjustmen t
1. Disconnect saw from power sour ce.
2. Raise blade above table top.
3. Unlock fence and slide it to approximately four
inches from bla de.
4. Lock the fence.
5. Measure distance between saw blade and
inside of fence.
6. Adjust cursor (C, Figure 12) to read the
distance j ust measured, and tighten cursor
assembly to fence .
7. Make a test c ut and c onf irm the ad jus tme nt is
Note: If the cursor does not have enough travel to
give the correct measurement, loosen guide rail
and adjust as needed. If you still do not get the
correct measurement, loosen front rail and adjust
as needed. If you have to adjust front rail you will
need to go through the front rail assembly
instructio ns again.
Cursor accuracy should be checked whenever a
different blade is installed.
After installing the XACTA Fence, press the black
plastic end covers into the openings of the guide
rail. There is als o an end cover for the fence that
may already be installed.