3. Unplug the blower from the backplane. The connector
is keyed so that it can be reinstalled correctly and has
also been placed through a holder on the fan bracket to
keep it out of the way during fan installation and
Reverse the steps to reinstall the blower.
The following figure shows the blower intake access hole.
Contact with the access hole must be avoided while the blower
is running to prevent injury.
Blower ReplacementIf the blower has stopped running or the front device canister status LEDs are all
blinking ‘Red’, the blower may need to be replaced.
Before replacing, the cable connection should be checked to ensure that the
connector is firmly seated and that there is nothing blocking the blower intake
blades that could cause interference. If you believe a blower is in a nonfunctional
state, please contact the place of purchase for repair or replacement.
The JMR part numbers for a replacement blower is shown in the table below.
Replacement parts include the canister with the fan.
Model JMR Part Number
4-bay FAD-00014
FORTRAForce4G6 InstallationGuide Rev B 5-2
WARNING: Avoid direct contact with the blower intake access hole while the
blower is running. The blower operates at high speeds and can cause
WARNING: Blowers are a system critical component. Non-operating blowers
should be replaced as soon as possible to avoid data loss or device failure.
WARNUNG: Gebläse sind für die Funktion wichtige Komponenten. Nicht
funktionierende Gebläse sollten so schnell wie möglich ersetzt werden,
um Datenverluste oder Fehlfunktionen zu vermeiden.