Horné rúčky


Rukoväť štartovacej šnúry motora


Čerpadlo sýteniay


Kryt vyhadzovacieho otvoru trávy


Poistná krídlová matica pre horné


Páčka plynu




Páka zastavenia motora


Kôš na trávu


Redukčná prevodovka


Viečko plniaceho otvoru motorového


Kľúč zapaľovania




Páka regulácie rýchlosti jazdy


Vypúšťací otvor motorového oleja


Páčka spojky


8Páka nastavenia výšky kosenia

9 Zapaľovacia sviečka

10Viečko palivovej nádrže


PRIPEVNENIE ODKLOŇOVAČA (ak už nie je pripevnené)





VLOŽENIE UZÁVERU PRE MULČOVANIE (k dispozícii len pri niektorých modeloch)

Ak chcete kosiť trávu s mulčovaním (bez zberu pokosenej trávy) zodvihnite priehradku, nasaďte uzáver a pripevnite ju pružinou podľa obrázka.

NASTAVENIE VÝŠKY KOSENIA (k dispozícii len pri niektorých


Kosačku vždy používajte so správne nasadeným odkloňovačom alebo zberným košom.

Vždy vypnite motor pred odstránením koša na trávu alebo pri nastavovaní výšky kosenia.

Nikdy nedávajte ruky ani nohy pod kryt kosačky alebo do otvoru pre vyhadzovanie pokosenej trávy, keď je motor zapnutý.

Pred kosením odstráňte z trávnika všetky cudzie pre- dmety, ktoré by mohli byť odhodené rotujúcim nožom. Počas kosenia pozorne sledujte, či na trávniku nezostali cudzie predmety.

Pri štartovaní motora alebo počas kosenia nikdy nezdvíhajte zadnú časť kosačky.

Nikdy nedávajte ruky ani nohy pod kryt kosačky alebo do otvoru pre vyhadzovanie pokosenej trávy, keď je motor zapnutý.

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Jonsered LM2151 CMD, LM2147 CMD, LM2146 CD manual Popis, Pripevnenie Koša NA Trávu, Nastavenie Rúčok, Bezpečnostné Pokynyi

LM2147 CM, LM2147 CMDE, LM2150 CMD, LM2146 CD, LM2147 CMD specifications

The Jonsered LM2151 CMD, LM2147 CMD, LM2146 CD, LM2150 CMD, and LM2147 CMDE are standout models in the realm of lawn mowers, designed for both residential and commercial use. Each model embodies a combination of power, efficiency, and innovative technology that caters to diverse mowing needs.

The Jonsered LM2151 CMD is particularly designed for larger lawns with its robust 51 cm cutting width. It's equipped with a powerful engine that delivers reliable performance, ensuring that even dense grass is cut with ease. With its adjustable cutting height feature, users can effortlessly select the desired grass length, making it ideal for varying lawn conditions. The CMD (Catcher, Mulch, Discharge) technology enables versatile mowing solutions, allowing for grass collection, mulching, or rear discharge according to preferences.

Meanwhile, the LM2147 CMD offers a slightly smaller cutting width of 47 cm. This model is highly maneuverable, making it suitable for smaller gardens and intricate landscapes. It shares similar cutting height adjustments and CMD technology, promoting efficient grass management and superior mulching capabilities.

The LM2146 CD presents a more cost-effective variant, focusing on simplicity and functionality. With its 46 cm cutting width, it’s perfectly suited for everyday lawn maintenance. The CD (Catcher/Discharge) feature allows for collecting clippings or discharging them, while its lightweight design enhances ease of use and reduces operator fatigue.

The LM2150 CMD takes power up a notch with an advanced engine that ensures swift mowing without sacrificing precision. Just like the other models, it incorporates the CMD system, allowing users to choose their preferred mowing style. The enhanced grass collector system ensures that clippings are efficiently gathered, reducing the need for post-mowing cleanup.

Finally, the LM2147 CMDE model integrates electric start technology, offering seamless ignition and eliminating the hassle of traditional pull-start mechanisms. This feature is particularly beneficial for users seeking convenience and ease. The CMDE variant also retains similar cutting width and features associated with the CMD series, promising a balanced performance for various lawn types.

Overall, the Jonsered line of lawn mowers presents a range of features catering to different mowing needs. Their innovative technologies, such as the CMD and CMDE systems, ensure efficiency, versatility, and ease of use, making them reliable choices for every lawn enthusiast.