Chapter 1 Overview
10 User’s Guide
THE REAR PANELThe rear panel of the NetScreen-ISG 2000 contains the power supplies.
Power Supplies
The NetScreen-ISG 2000 supports two redundant, fault-tolerant and auto-switching
power supplies. The power supplies are hot-swappable, so you can remove or replace one
power supply without interrupting device operation.
You can order the NetScreen-ISG 2000 with one or two power supplies: DC and AC.
Although the NetScreen-ISG 2000 can run with one power supply, it is advisable to install
two. This practice minimizes the chance of system failure due to an individual power
supply failure.
When the NetScreen-ISG 2000 contains two power supplies, they share the power load
equally. If one power supply fails, the other assumes the full load automatically and the
device sends a system alarm. The Power LED only displays two colors: green, indicating
that the power supply is functioning correctly and red, which indicates that the power
supply has failed.
Important: Do not mix the power supply types because it could seriously damage the