Removing and Installing a Mini-GBIC Transceiver
NetScreen-ISG 2000 45
3. Using your thumb, gently press the clip ejector on top of the clip, down, then
forward. This action loosens the clip from the transceiver port.
4. Gently but firmly, pull the clip from the transceiver port.
To remove a mini-GBIC transceiver from a module:
1. Push in the blue ejector (located on the underside of the transceiver) until it
locks into place, disengaging the transceiver.
2. Grasp the transceiver at both sides and firmly but gently pull the transceiver
toward you to remove it from the module.
To install a mini-GBIC transceiver into a module:
1. Grasp the transceiver with the label facing up, then insert it into the transceiver
2. Check to see if the black transceiver ejector extends fully out to the front of the
ejector slot, align it with the port portion of the transceiver.