18 S O U N D A D J U S T
MTS has no effect on normal sound broadcasts.
The Bass level adjustment feature allows you to raise or lower the level of lower frequencies in the TV’s sound.
To emphasize bass
To reduce bass
To move to next
The Treble level adjustment feature allows you to raise or lower the level of higher frequencies in the TV’s sound.
To increase treble
To decrease treble
To move to next
The Balance adjustment feature allows you to center the TV’s sound to your needs.
To shift the speaker balance to the right
To shift the speaker balance to the left
To move to next
MTS technology gives you a choice among stereo, mono, and Second Audio Programs (SAP).
Select the mode
(The ON AIR arrow tells you if the current signal contains Stereo or SAP)
Note: Keep the TV in STEREO mode
to get the fullest sound quality.
Note: SAP will allow you to hear an alternative soundtrack, if available.
Note: Choose MONO to reduce excess noise in a program or channel.
Some Sound Advice
You can tell if a program is broadcast in stereo by the position of the ON AIR arrow in the MTS menu. Unfortunately, it is common for some cable companies to squash the transmission of stereo programs to mono because they only have mono equipment. If your TV is connected to a cable system, the sound is at the mercy of that cable company — if they broadcast in mono, you receive mono sound regardless of the original stereo programming.
Fortunately, most programs that are broadcast in stereo are aired on the major television networks. If you connect your TV to an antenna instead of cable, and set the Tuner Mode (page 15) to “Air” instead of “Cable,” you will be able to pick up stereo broadcasts in stereo.