Connecting the leads / Пîäêëþ÷åíèå êîíòàêòîâ

Twist the core wires when connecting.

Зàêðóòèòå êîíöû ïðîâîäîâ ïðè ñîåäèíåíèè.

Solder the core wires to connect them securely.

Сïàяéòå ïðîâîäà äëя íàäåæíîãî ñîåäèíåíèя.


To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.

Дëя ïðåäîòâðàùåíèя êîðîòêîãî çàìûêàíèя çàêëåéòå íåèñïîëüçóåìûå êîíöû èçîëèðóþùåé ëåíòîé.

BConnections Adding Other Equipment / Пîäêëþ÷åíèå äðóãèõ óñòðîéñòâ

Amplifier / Уñèëèòåëü

You can connect an amplifier and other equipment to upgrade your car stereo system.

Connect the remote lead (blue with white stripe) to the remote lead of the other equipment so that it can be controlled through this unit.

For amplifier only:

Connect this unit’s line-out terminals to the amplifier’s line-in terminals.

Disconnect the speakers from this unit, connect them to the amplifier. Leave the speaker leads of this unit unused. (Cover the terminals of these unused leads with insulating tape, as illustrated above.)

Вû ìîæåòå ïîäêëþ÷èòü óñèëèòåëü è äðóãîå îáîðóäîâàíèå äëя ìîäåðíèçàöèè ñòåðåîñèñòåìû â Вàøåì àâòîìîáèëå.

Пîäñîåäèíèòå ïðîâîä âíåøíåãî óñòðîéñòâà (ñèíèé ñ áåëîé ïîëîñîé) ê ïðîâîäó âíåøíåãî óñòðîéñòâà äðóãîãî îáîðóäîâàíèя òàê, ÷òîáû èì ìîæíî áûëî óïðàâëяòü ñ ýòîãî óñòðîéñòâà.

Тîëüêî äëя óñèëèòåëя:

Пîäêëþ÷èòå âûõîäíûå êëåììû äàííîãî óñòðîéñòâà ê âõîäíûì êëåììàì óñèëèòåëя.

Оòñîåäèíèòå ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëè îò äàííîãî óñòðîéñòâà, ïîäêëþ÷èòå èõ ê óñèëèòåëþ. Оñòàâüòå ïðîâîäà ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé äàííîãî óñòðîéñòâà íåèñïîëüçîâàííûìè. (Зàìîòàéòå êëåììû ýòèõ íåèñïîëüçîâàííûõ ïðîâîäîâ èçîëяöèîííîé ëåíòîé, êàê ïîêàçàíî âûøå.)


Rear speakers




*2 Firmly attach the ground wire to the mettalic body or to the chasis of the car—to


Remote lead

Y-connector (not supplied with this unit)

the place not coated with paint (if coated with paint, remove the paint before

Зàäíèå ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëè

Пðîâîä âíåøíåãî óñòðîéñòâà

attaching the wire). Failure to do so may cause damage to this unit.

Рàçúåì Y (íå âõîäèò â êîìïëåêò)






*2 Пëîòíî ïðèêðåïèòå çàçåìëяþùèé ïðîâîä ê ìåòàëëè÷åñêîìó êóçîâó èëè



JVC Amplifier



øàññè àâòîìîáèëя—â ìåñòå, íå ïîêðûòîì êðàñêîé (åñëè îíî ïîêðûòî





êðàñêîé, óäàëèòå êðàñêó ïåðåä òåì, êàê ïðèêðåïëяòü ïðîâîä).


JVC Уñèëèòåëü



Нåâûïîëíåíèå ýòîãî òðåáîâàíèя ìîæåò ïðèâåñòè ê ïîâðåæäåíèþ äàííîãî


Remote lead (Blue with white stripe)





Пðîâîä âíåøíåãî óñòðîéñòâà (Сèíèé ñ áåëîé ïîëîñîé)










To power aerial if any

Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)





К ïèòàíèþ àíòåííû, åñëè åñòü

Кàáåëü ñèãíàëà (íå âõîäèò â êîìïëåêò)










Front speakers



Пåðåäíèå ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëè





JVC Amplifier

JVC Уñèëèòåëü


CD changer and DAB tuner / Пðîèãðûâàòåëü-àâòîìàò êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ è òþíåð DAB

You can connect a JVC CD changer and/or a JVC DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) tuner.

• For the connections, refer to the instructions supplied with them.

Connecting cord supplied with your DAB tuner

Connecting cord supplied with your CD changer

Сîåäèíèòåëüíûé øíóð âõîäèò â êîìïëåêò

Сîåäèíèòåëüíûé êàáåëü, ïîñòàâëяåìûé ñ Вàøèì

ïîñòàâêè ïðèîáðåòåííîãî Вàìè òþíåðà DAB.

óñòðîéñòâîì ñìåíû êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ

JVC DAB tuner

JVC CD changer

Уñòðîéñòâî ñìåíû


êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ JVC



You can connect both components in series as illustrated above.

Вû ìîæåòå ïîäêëþ÷èòü îáà êîìïîíåíòà ïàðàëëåëüíî, êàê ïðîèëëþñòðèðîâàíî âûøå.

Вû ìîæåòå ïîäêëþ÷èòü ïðîèãðûâàòåëü-àâòîìàò êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ JVC è/èëè òþíåð DAB (öèôðîâîå ðàäèîâåùàíèå) JVC.

• Пîðяäîê ïîäêëþ÷åíèя ñìîòðèòå â ïðèëàãàåìûõ ê íèì èíñòðóêöèяõ.

Connecting cord supplied with your DAB tuner or CD changer Сîåäèíèòåëüíûé øíóð âõîäèò â êîìïëåêò ïîñòàâêè ïðèîáðåòåííîãî Вàìè òþíåðà DAB èëè ïðîèãðûâàòåëя- àâòîìàòà êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ

JVC DAB tuner


JVC CD changer

Уñòðîéñòâî ñìåíû



êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ JVC





Before connecting the CD changer and/or the DAB tuner, make sure that the unit is turned off.

Пåðåä ïîäêëþ÷åíèåì ïðîèãðûâàòåëя-àâòîìàòà êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ è/èëè òþíåðà DAB óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî óñòðîéñòâî âûêëþ÷åíî.

External component / Вíåøíèé êîìïîíåíò

You can connect an external component.

• For the connection, refer to the instructions supplied with it.

Вû ìîæåòå ïîäêëþ÷èòü âíåøíèé êîìïîíåíò.

• Пîðяäîê ïîäêëþ÷åíèя ñìîòðèòå â ïðèëàãàåìûõ ê íåìó èíñòðóêöèяõ.












CD changer jack Гíåçäî ïðîèãðûâàòåëя-àâòîìàòà êîìïàêò-äèñêîâ

Line Input Adaptor KS-U57 (not supplied with this unit) Аäàïòåð âõîäíîé ëèíèè KS-U57 (íå âõîäèò â êîìïëåêò)

Signal cord (not supplied with this unit) Кàáåëü ñèãíàëà (íå âõîäèò â êîìïëåêò)

External component

Вíåøíèé êîìïîíåíò



The fuse blows.

Сðàáîòàë ïðåäîõðàíèòåëü.

* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?

* Пðàâèëüíî ëè ïîäêëþ÷åíû ÷åðíûé è êðàñíûé ïðîâîäà?

Power cannot be turned on.

Пèòàíèå íå âêëþ÷àåòñя.

* Is the yellow lead connected?

* Пîäêëþ÷åí ëè æåëòûé ïðîâîä?

No sound from the speakers.

Зâóê íå âûâîäèòñя ÷åðåç ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëè.

* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?

* Нåò ëè êîðîòêîãî çàìûêàíèя íà êàáåëå âûõîäà ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé?

Sound is distorted.

Зâóê èñêàæåí.

* Is the speaker output lead grounded?

* Зàçåìëåí ëè ïðîâîä âûõîäà ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé?

* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?

* Зàçåìëåíû ëè ðàçúåìû “–” ïðàâîãî (R) è ëåâîãî (L) ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé?

Unit becomes hot.

Уñòðîéñòâî íàãðåâàåòñя.

* Is the speaker output lead grounded?

* Зàçåìëåí ëè ïðîâîä âûõîäà ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé?

* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?

* Зàçåìëåíû ëè ðàçúåìû “–” ïðàâîãî (R) è ëåâîãî (L) ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé?


Page 45
Image 45
JVC KD-SX927R, GET0087-001A manual JVC Amplifier JVC Уñèëèòåëü, External component Вíåøíèé êîìïîíåíò

GET0087-001A, KD-SX927R specifications

The JVC KD-SX927R is a versatile and feature-rich car stereo that showcases a blend of advanced technology, user-friendly functionality, and impressive audio performance. Known for its sleek design and user interface, this model is perfect for those who seek both capability and aesthetics in their in-car entertainment system.

One of the standout features of the KD-SX927R is its ability to support a variety of audio sources, making it a flexible choice for modern drivers. This unit features compatibility with CD and MP3 playback, allowing users to enjoy their favorite albums and playlists without limitations. Additionally, it supports WMA files, enhancing the listening experience with high-quality sound.

Equipped with a built-in AM/FM tuner, the KD-SX927R offers access to a wide range of radio stations, ensuring that you’re never short of entertainment on the road. The radio includes features like RDS (Radio Data System), which delivers real-time information such as station names and traffic updates, making it an invaluable tool for daily commutes.

Another notable aspect of the KD-SX927R is its enhanced connectivity features. It includes a USB port, allowing for easy connection of compatible devices such as smartphones and USB flash drives. This connection supports various audio formats, facilitating seamless playback of your music collection. Moreover, the unit features an auxiliary input, perfect for connecting external devices, providing further versatility in audio playback options.

Sound quality is paramount in the KD-SX927R design, featuring a powerful built-in amplifier that delivers clear and dynamic audio.Furthermore, it includes a 3-band equalizer, allowing users to customize the sound to their preferences. This means you can boost bass or treble frequencies to achieve the perfect sound profile tailored to your liking.

The JVC KD-SX927R’s user interface is designed to simplify operation with an easy-to-read display and intuitive controls, enhancing the overall user experience. With RCA pre-outs, it can also be easily integrated with additional amplifiers and subwoofers for those looking to elevate their car audio system.

In conclusion, the JVC KD-SX927R car stereo stands out for its versatility, audio quality, and modern connectivity options. Whether you’re a casual listener or a dedicated audiophile, this unit has the features necessary to provide an exceptional auditory experience on the go.