Safety Precautions
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY
INJURY,OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Refer to this manual J for assistanceor consult your local Sears Service Center
for further information.
At thetime of manufacturethis water heaterwasprovidedwith a
nationallyrecognizedtestinglaboratory that maintainsperiodic
inspectionof productionof listedequipmentor materials,as meeting the requirements for ReliefValvesand Automatic Gas ShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water SupplySystems,and the current editionof ANSI Z21.22, CSA 4.4 andthe coderequirementsof
ASME. If replaced, the valvemust meet the requirements of
localcodes,but not less than a combinationtemperature and
_ressurerelief valvecertifiedas meeting the requirements for ReliefValvesand AutomaticGasShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water
SupplySystems,ANSI Z21.22 0 CSA 4.4 by a nationallyrecog- nized testinglaboratorythat maintains periodicinspectionof _roductionoflistedequipmentor materials.
The valvemust be marked with a maximum set pressurenot to exceed the marked hydrostaticworking pressureof the
water heater (150 Ibs./sq.in.) and a dischargecapacitynot lessthan the water heater input rate as shownon the model rating plate. (Electric heaters, watts dividedby 1000x 3412 equalBTU/Hr. rate.)
Yourlocaljurisdictionalauthority,while mandatingthe useof a
CSA 4.4 and ASME,may require a valvemodeldifferentfrom the onefurnishedwiththe waterheater
Compliancewith suchlocalrequirements must be satisfiedby the installeror end user of the water heaterwith a locallypre-
nated openingin the water heater in placeof the factory fur- nishedvalve.
Forsafeoperationofthe water heater,the relief valvemust not be removedfrom it'sdesignatedopeningor plugged.
chargewill exit onlywithin 6 inchesabove,or at anydistance belowthe structural floor.Be certainthat no contactis made
with any liveelectricalpart The dischargeopeningmust not be blockedor reduced in size underany circumstancesExcessive. length,over 30 feet, or useof more than four elbowscan cause restriction and reducethe dischargecapacityofthe valve.
No valveor other obstructionisto be placedbetween the relief valveand the tank. Do not connecttubingdirectlyto discharge drainunlessa 6"air gapisprovidedTo. preventbodilyinjury,haz- ard to life,or propertydamage,the relief valvemust be allowed to dischargewater in quantitiesshouldcircumstancesdemand.If the dischargepipeisnot connectedto a drainor othersuitable means,thewaterflowmay causepropertydamage.
The DischargePipe:
•Must not be smaller in size than the outlet pipe size of
the valve, or have any reducing couplings or other restrictions.
•Mustnot be pluggedor blocked.
•Mustbe of material listed for hot water distribution.
•Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage of both the
•Mustterminate at an adequatedrain.
•Mustnot haveanyvalvebetweentbe relief valveand tank.
HAZARD OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK! Before removing any access panels or servicing the water heater, make J sure the electrical supply to the water heater is turned "OFF". Failure to do this could result in DEATH, SERI-
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a tem-
)erature which will satisfy space heating, clothes washing, dish washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and _ermanently injure you upon contact. Some people are more likely to be permanently injured by hot water than others. These include the elderly, children, the infirm, or
physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using hot water in your home fits into one of these groups or if there is a local code or state law requiring a certain tem- )erature water at the hot water tap, then you must take
special precautions. In addition to using the lowest possi-
ble temperature setting that satisfies your hot water needs, a means such as a mixing valve, shall be used at the hot water taps used by these people or at the water
heater. Mixing valves are available at plumbing supply or hardware stores. Follow manufacturers instructions for
installation of the valves. Before changing the factory set-
ting on the thermostat, read the "Temperature
Regulation" section in this manual.
WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE VOLTAGE ONLY: This water heater is equipped for one type voltage only. Check the rating plate near the bottom access panel for the correct voltage. DO NOT use this water heater with any voltage other than the one shown on the model rating plate. Failure to use the correct voltage can cause problems which can result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. If you have any ques- tions or doubts consult your electric company.
INSULATING JACKETS: When installing an external
water heater insulation jacket on an electric water heater:
a. DO NOT cover the
access areas.
c. DO NOT remove operating instructions, and safety
related warning labels and materials affixed to the water heater.
d. DO obtain new warning and instruction labels from
Sears for placement on the jacket directly over the existing labels.
Do not usethis appliance if any part of it has been under water. An electrical short or malfunction could occur.The
water heater shouldbe replaced.
the water heater must be accomplished in such a manner that if the tank or any connections should leak, the flow of water will not cause damage to the structure. When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable drain pan should be installed under the water heater. Drain pans are avail- able at your local Sears Store. Such a drain pan must be piped to an adequate drain.