Safety Precautions
Imp_per ;ast_,llatlon,adiustnnem,alteration, sarvmceor mamnteI- nanceeancauseDEATH,SERIOUSBODILYINJURY,,OR PROP-I ERTY DAMAGE,Referto this n_nu_l for assistanceor consult yourlocalSearsServlceCedar for further informatlon,
At the time of manudacturethis water heaterwasprovidedwith
acombination_mperatere-pmssuresreliofveivecertiEadbya nat;onally recoge;zedtestingbboratery that maintains peHod;c inspect;onOFproductionof listedequ;pment or materials,as meot'mgthe requirementsfor ReliefValvesand Autemudc Gas ShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water SupplySystems,_lndthe current editionef ANSI 7.21,22. CSA 4,4andthe coderequlremer_ ef ASME, If replasced,the valve must meet the requirementsOF localcodes,but not lessthin a €omblnotlontemperature and
_ressurerellef valve certiEedas meetingthe requirements for ReliefValvesand AutomaticGasShut!offDevlcesfor Hot Wa_r
SupplySystems,ANSI Z21,22 • CSA 4,4 bya nationaily recog- nized te_tlng laboratorythat maintainsperlodlc iespection OF _reductfenef listedequipmemor materials,
The valvemust be markedwlth a maximum sot pressurenot to exceedthe marked hydrostaticworking pressure of the water heater (150 Ibs,p,_L) and a dischargecapacitynot less than the water heater inputrate us shmvnon the model rating plate, (Electric heaters - watts dividedby 1000 x 3412 equal BTUfHnrate,)
Yourlocaljurisdicdonai_Cd*orlty,whilemandatingthe useef a temperatureq_ressurerelief valvecomplylngwith ANSI Z21.22o
CSA 4,4 and ASME,may requirea valvemodeldiffere_ from the one fumlshed wi_ the water heater,
Compliance with such localrequirememsmust be s_tisfed by the insteJler or end user ef the water heaterwith a locally pre- scribed tempera_re.pressure reliof v_ installedin the desig-
nated openingin the water heater in pla_e of the factoryfur- nlshedvalve.
Forsafeoperationofthe wa_r heater,the relief valvemust not be removedfrom i_ deslgrBtedopeningor plugged.
The temperatere-pressurerellef valvemust be iest_lled directly into the ftting of the water heater designatedfor the teller valve. Pesidonthe valve downwardand providetublng so that
any d(s_hargewill exit onlywithin6 inchesabove,or at any dis- _ancebelowthe structuralI]oor. Be certainthat no €orda_tis
madewith any liveelec_rlcalpart. The dischargeopeningmust not be blockedor reduced in size under any circumstances, Excess'ryelength,ever 30 feet, or useof more thanfour elbows
can causereslzlctlon and reducethe dischargecap_ity of the valve,
No valve or other obstructionisto be pla_edbetweenthe relief valve and the _nk, Do not connecttubingdirectlyto discharge drainunlessa 6 air gapisprovidedTo. preventbodilyinjury,haz- ard to llfe,or propertydamage,the rellef velvemust be allowed to dischargewater in quantitiesshouldcircumstancesdemand,If the dischargepipeis not connectedto a drainor other suitable means,the water flowmaycausepropertydamage,
The DischargePipe;
Must not be smallerin sizethan the outlet pipesize of the valve,or hareanyreduclng€ouplln_sor other restdctiom.
Mustnot be pluggedor blocl_d.
Mustbe ef mate_al listedfor hot waterdlstzlbotlon,
Mustbe iest_lled soasto allow completedralnageof beth the
temperature-pressurerellofvalve, and the dischargepipe, Musttermlnate atanadequatedr_n.
Mustnot hareanyvalvebetweenthe reliefvaiveandtenL
HAZARD OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK! Before removing any accesspanelsor sorvlciag the water heater, make sure the electricalsupply to the water heater isturned ='OFF",Failure[ to do this could result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY,
HOTTERWATERCAN SCALD:Water heatersare intendedto =reducehotvratecWaterheatedto a tempersturewhichwillsotis-
fy spareheating,clotheswmhlag,d!_ washing,and othersanldzing needscanscaldand permanentlyinjureyouuponcontact.Some peoplearemore Iil_lyto be permanentlyinjuredbyhotwaterthan others.Theseincludethe elderly,children,the infirm,or physicak lyimenteJlyhandicappedIf. anyoneusinghot water in yourhome fits intooneofthesegroupsor if t_re isa localcodeor state la_v requlHnga certaintemperature water at the hotwater _ then _u musttal_ specialprecaotion In additionto usingt_ lowest _essibletemperaturesettingthat satisfiesyourhot water needs,a meanssuchasa mixingvalve,shallbe usedat the hot water taps usedbyt_so peopleor at thewaterheaterMixingvalvesareavelk. ableat plumbingsupplyor hand,rarestores.Followmanufacturers instructionsfor insteJladonofthevalvesBeforechangingthefacto.-
ry so_ng on the thermostat,readthe "TemperatureRegulation" sectionin thismanual.
WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE _LTAGE ONLY: This water heater is equipped for one type voltage only. Check the rating plate near the bottom accesspanel for the correct volt- age. DO NOT use thls water heater with any voltage other than the one shown on the model rating plate, Failure to use the cor- rect voltage can cause problems which can result in DEATH,
SERIOUS BODILY INJURY,,OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. If you hare any questionsor deub= consultyour electric company,
INSULATING JACKETS:When installingan external water heater ;nsulationjacl_t on anelectricwater heater:
a, DO NOT coverthe temperature-pressurerellefvalve.
b. DO NOT put insulation over the accesscovers or any
_vCCeSS _e_$.
€. DO NOT coveror remove operatingimtrectlons, and safe-
ty related wanning labelsand materials affgod to the water heater,
d. DO obtain now w_nnlngand instructionlabelsfrom Sears for placement on the jacl_t directlyover the existinglabels.
._,WARNING .I Do not usethis apphance if any part of mthas been under [ water. An electrical short or malfunction could occur. The water heater shoud be repaced.
WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK; Installation of the water heater must be _ccompllshed in such a manner that if the t_nl_ or any connections should leak, the flow of water will not cause damage to the structure. For thls reason, it is not advisable to instell the water heater in an attic or upper floor. When such locations cannot be avolded, a suitable drain pan should be in.lied under the water heater. Drain pans are available at your Ioeal Sears Store. Such a dra;n pan must be piped to an adequate drain,