Troubleshooting Guide (cont'd)

Operational Conditions


rn cach _atcr hcatcr thcrc is ins_licd at Icast onc anodc rod (scc

parts scction) for corrosion protcction of tilc tank, Ccreain watcr conditions wili causc a rcaction bctwccn this rod and tilc _atcr.

Thc most common complaint associatcd with tilc anodc rod is onc of a "rottcn cgg smcll'. This odor is dcrivcd from hv&'ogcn sulfldc gas dissolvcd in tilc watcr, Tbc smcll is tilc rcsult of_ur Fkctors _-Mch mt_t all bc prcscnt for thc odor to dcvclop:

a, a conccnrwation of stdfiktcin thc supply _atcr, b, little or no dissolved oxygen in the water.

c, a sulfate rcducing bactcria within the watcr hcatcr. (This harmless bactcrh is non-toxic to humans.)

d, an cxccss of activc hydrogen in thc tank. Tbis is causcd by the corrosion protcctivc action ofthc anode.

Smclly _atcr may bc climinatcd or rcduccd in somc watcr hcatcr modcls by rcplacing thc anodc(s) _4th onc oflcss activc matcrial,

and thcn chlorinating thc watcr hcatcr rank and all hot _atcr lines. Con_ct thc local Scaa's Scr_4cc Center for furthcr informa+

tion conccming an Anodc Rcplaccmcnt K t//900 453 and this

Chlorination Trcatmcnt,

lf thc smclly watcr pcrsists aftcr thc anode rcplaccmcnt and dllo- rination trcatmcnt, wc can only suggcst that continuous chlori- nat{on and filtcring conditioning cquipmcnt bc considcrcd to diminatc thc watcr problcm.

Do not rereov¢ the anode leaving the tank _nprotectexL By doing so, all warranty on the water heater tank is voided.



HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogen gas can be produced in a hot water system that has not been used for a long peri- od of tlme (generally two weeks or more). Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable and explosive. To prevent the possibil;ty of injury under these cond;tions, we recom- mend the hot water faucet be opened for several min- utes at the kitchen s;nk before any electrical appl;ances wh;ch are connected to the hot water system are used (such as a dishwasher or wash;ng machine). If hydrogen gas ls present, there will probably be an unusual sound skn;lar to alr escapingthrough the pipe as the hot water faucet is opened. There must be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the time ;t ls open.


ln somc watcr arcas, scalc or mincral dcposits will build up on

your hcating dcmcnts. This buildup will causc a rumbling noisc,

Follow Elcmcnt ClcaningiRcplaccmcnt instructions to clcan and rcplacc thc clcmcnts.


Thc watcr hcatcr has a high limit shut off systcm with a rcsct button Iocatcd on thc thcrmostat.

Follow thc rcsctting instructions which rcfcr to thc high limit bchind thc acccss pancl.

NOTE, Ifyoor water heater is €onnected to an "OFF PEAK" dock, and uses the "3 wire lead" wiring diagram in the "Wiring Diagram" section, than the water heater will have a hi-limit on both the _pper and lower thermostats÷ Follow the insm*ctlons to reset the hi-limit behind the upper and lower access panels÷

*Bcforc bcginning, turn "OFF" clcctrical powcr supply to thc watcr hcatcr.



any access panels or sarvlclng the water heater, make sure the electrlcal supply to the water heater ;s turned "OFF", Failure to do th;s could result in DEATH, SERI-



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Kenmore 153.321441, 153.321541, 153.321841, 153.321341, 153.321641 owner manual Troubleshooting Guide contd

153.321641, 153.32134, 153.32184, 153.321541, 153.321841 specifications

The Kenmore model series 153.32134, 153.32164, 153.32184, 153.321541, and 153.321641 are exemplary units within the Kenmore appliance lineup, demonstrating innovation and efficiency in home care solutions.

One primary feature across this series is their energy efficiency. Designed to utilize significantly less energy compared to older models, these units help reduce utility costs while being environmentally friendly. The energy-saving technology incorporated ensures that these models maintain performance while consuming less power, a crucial aspect for eco-conscious consumers.

Additionally, the models are equipped with advanced sensor technology, which allows for automated adjustments based on load size and type. This feature not only optimizes performance but also enhances user convenience, as users can simply set their preferences and let the machine handle the rest. The smart sensors work in conjunction with precise temperature settings, ensuring optimal cleaning for various fabrics.

One of the standout characteristics of the Kenmore 153 series is their advanced wash cycles. With multiple cycle options ranging from delicate to heavy-duty, these models cater to a broad spectrum of laundry needs. The inclusion of specialized cycles, such as allergen reduction and steam clean, makes these units particularly appealing for households with specific cleaning requirements.

Durability is another hallmark of this series. Constructed with high-quality materials, these appliances are built to withstand the rigors of daily use. The robust design not only contributes to longevity but also minimizes vibrations and noise, making them a great choice for homes where quiet operation is desired.

Furthermore, user-friendly controls and a clear display interface enhance usability, allowing even the least tech-savvy individuals to operate them with ease. The seamless integration of technology in these models provides a modern touch, catering to consumers who appreciate a blend of functionality and sophistication in their household appliances.

In summary, the Kenmore 153.32134, 153.32164, 153.32184, 153.321541, and 153.321641 models excel in energy efficiency, advanced sensor technology, versatile wash cycles, durability, and user-friendly design. These features collectively make them a preferred choice for consumers seeking reliable and efficient home solutions.