ADVERTENCIA.Pa,areduc,, el riesgodefuego, descargaelectrica,o lesion.

Su seguridad es importante para nosotros. Para reducir el riesgo de fuego, descarga el_ctrica, lesibn a personas o da_os al usar su aspiradora; siga las precauciones de

seguridad b_sicas incluidas a continuacibn:

Lea estemanualantesde montaro usarsuaspiradora.

Usesu aspiradorasolocome sedescribeen este manual.Usarsoloconlos acoesoriesincluidos.

Parareducirel riesgede unadescargaelOctrica- No la usealaire Iibree en lassuperficieshOmedas.

DesconecteelsuministroelOctricoantes de repararo limpiarfuerael Areadel cepiIIo.Si noIo hacepodria producirunadescargaelectricao podrlaempezara cepillarde repente.

Siempre apaguela aspiradoraantesde conectaro desconectarla manguera.

Siempre apeguela aspiradoraantesde desenchufar. No desenchufetirandodelcordon.Paradesenehufar, asirdel enchufe,no delcord6n.

Sostengaelenchufealenrrollarhaciala bobinadel cordon.

No dejarenchufadoalenrollarel cord6n.

No usarsi el cableo el enchufeestandafiados,ni tampecosi el funcionamientede la aspiradoranoes el adecuado,si seha caido,si ha recibidoalgt3ngolpe,si

ha permanecidoen el exterioro si ha caido alagua, devuelvalaa uncentrodesetvicio.

No lajale ni lacarguedelcord6n,no useel cordon comeuna as& nocierrela puertacobreel cordon,no tireel cordonalrededorde hordesafiladoso esquinas. No enciendalaaspiradorasobreelcordon.Mantengael cordonfuerade superficiesacaloradas.

No dejelaaspiradoraconel enchufepuesto. Desench_feladeltoma-corrientecuandono lauseylo antesde reperar.

No permitaque seausadacomo unjuguete.Una atenciOnespecialesnecesariacuandolauseal ladoo cercade los nifios.

No cojael enchufeo laaspiradoraconlas manes hC]medas.

No operela aspiradoracon lamangueraperforada. Reempl&celasi est&cortadao gastada.Evitelimpiarcon laaspiradoraobjetesafilados.

No la useconcualquiererificiobloqueado;mantengala librede pelvo,hilachas,peloy/oalgoque puedareducir elflujoaereo.

Mantengael pelo,ropasuelta,losdedos,y todas las partesde cuerpofueradel orificioylas partesmOviles. No usela aspiradorasin la belsadelpelvoy/ofiltros.

Siempre cambiela bolsadelpolvodespuesde limpiar con laaapiradoralimpiadoresdealfombrae purificadores,talcosy pelvofine. Estesproductos estorbanla bolsa,reducenlacorrientede aire y pueden causarque la bolsaserompa.Sino cambiela belsa podriacausarel dafiopermanentede la aspiradora.

No usela aspiradorapararecogerobjetosduros afilados,juguetespequefios,alfileres,pepel,etc. EIIos puedendafiarlaaspiradorao labolsadel pelvo

No recojaningunacosa quese estequemandoo este humeando,comecigarros,f6sforos,o cenizascalientes.

No usela aspiradorapararecogerliquidosinflamableso combustibles(gasolina,fluidesde limpieza,perfumes, etc.),ni la useen &reasdende

ellospuedenestarpresentes.Loshumosde estas substenciaspueden

causar un riesgode fuegoo explesi6n.

Useextremo ¢uidado al limpiaren los escalones.No pongasillas,mesas,etc. Mantengalaen el suelo.

Uetedes elresponsableper asegurarquesu aspiradora no seausadaper nadieincapazde operarla propiamente.


Elapropiadomontajey usosegurode su aspiradoraessu responsabilidadSu. aspiradorasOlofuepensada parauso del hogar.Leael Manualdel Propietariocuidadosamentepara elimportanteuso y lasegura informaciOnEstaguiacontienelasdeclaracionesde. seguridadbajoadvertenciasy sefialesde precauciOn. PorfavorpresteespecialatenciOn estoscuadrosy sigacualquierinstrucci6ndada.Lassefialesde ADVERTENClAteneren cuentael riesgode ineendio,descargaelOctrica,quemadurasy otrosdafios


PRECAUClONteneren cuentael riesgode dafiosmoderadosalas personaso lapropiedad.


Page 14
Image 14
Kenmore 3828FI2852V, 721.26082 manual Guarde Estas Instrucciones, Seguridad bsicas incluidas a continuacibn

3828FI2852V, 721.26082 specifications

The Kenmore 721.26082,3828FI2852V is a versatile and powerful built-in microwave that offers a range of features and technologies designed to simplify cooking and enhance food preparation. With its sleek and modern design, it seamlessly integrates into any kitchen decor while providing efficient cooking performance.

One of the standout features of the Kenmore 721.26082 is its generous cooking capacity. With a spacious interior, this microwave can easily accommodate large dishes, making it an ideal choice for families or those who enjoy entertaining. Its 1.5 cubic feet capacity allows for versatile cooking options, whether you're reheating leftovers or preparing a full meal.

This microwave is equipped with advanced sensor cooking technology, which automatically adjusts cooking time and power levels based on the moisture released from the food. This feature eliminates the guesswork in cooking, ensuring that your meals are cooked to perfection every time. Additionally, the unit offers a variety of pre-programmed settings that cater to different types of food, such as popcorn, frozen dinners, and baked goods, making it easy to use for various cooking tasks.

The Kenmore 721.26082 also features a powerful 900 watts of cooking power, ensuring quick and efficient heating. Paired with its turntable system, this feature promotes even cooking by allowing the food to rotate during the heating process, minimizing cold spots.

User-friendliness is a key characteristic of this microwave. The intuitive control panel and large display make it easy to navigate through the various cooking options and settings. The bright LED lighting inside the microwave provides excellent visibility, allowing users to monitor their cooking progress easily.

Additionally, this model incorporates a sleek stainless steel finish that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to clean and maintain. The durable construction ensures longevity, making it a smart investment for any modern kitchen.

In summary, the Kenmore 721.26082,3828FI2852V embodies functionality, efficiency, and style. With its ample cooking capacity, advanced sensor cooking technology, and user-friendly interface, it is designed to meet the demands of today’s busy households while elevating the cooking experience. Whether you are reheating meals or experimenting with new recipes, this built-in microwave is a reliable kitchen companion.