Grease Cup Cllp, Grease Cup, Grease Tray
[] Hang grease cup clip from bottom of grease tray and place grease cup into grease cup clip. Place the tray into the cart.
Failureto installgrease cup clip and cup will causehot grease to drip Frombottom of grill with risk of fire or propertydamage.
Grease Tray
Grease Cup Cti F
Grease Cup_ _'_
LP Tank
[] LP tank is sold separately. Use only with an OPD
[] Place LP tank into hole in bottom shelf with tank collar opening facing to side as shown. Finger tighten tank thumbscrew to hold LP tank securely in place.
See Use and Care section to correctly Leak Test and perform the Burner Flame Check.
Failure to install tank correctly may allow gas hose tc
be damaged in operation, resulting in the risk of fire.
NOTE: Side panel images have been removed for clarity.
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