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Testing your dinnerware or cookware

Test dinnerwareor cookware before using.To test a dish for safeuse, put it intothe ovenwith acup of waterbeside it. Cookat 100%cookpower for one minute.If the dish gets hot, do not use it. Some dishes(melamine,someceramic dinnerware,etc.) absorb microwaveenergy,becomingtoo hot to handle

and slowingcookingtimes.Cookingin metal containersnot designedfor microwaveuse could damagethe oven, as couldcontainerswith hidden metal (twist-ties,foil lining,staples,metallicglazeor trim).

Operating safety precautions

Never leanonthe door orallow a childto swing onit when the dooris open.

Usehot pads. Microwaveenergy does notheat containers,but the heatfrom the food can makethe containerhot.

Do not use newspaperorother printedpaperinthe oven.

Do not dry flowers,fruit,herbs,wood,paper,gourds, or clothesin the oven.

Do not start a microwaveoven when it is empty. Productlife maybe shortened.Ifyou practice programmingthe oven,put a containerof water in the oven. Itis normalfor the ovendoor to lookwavy afterthe oven has been runningfor a while.

Do not try to melt paraffinwaxin the oven. Paraffin wax will not meltin a microwaveovenbecauseit allowsmicrowavesto passthroughit.

Do not operatethe microwaveoven unlessthe glass

turntableis securelyin place andcan movefreely. The turntablecan moveineither direction.Make

sure the turntableis correct-sideup in the oven. Handle your turntable with care when removingit fromthe ovento avoidpossiblybreakingit. Ifyour turntablecracksor breaks,contactyour dealerfor a replacement.

When you usea browningdish, the browningdish bottommust beat least3/16inch abovethe turntable.

Followthe directionssuppliedwiththe browningdish.

Never cook or reheat a whole egg inside the shell. Steambuildupinwhole eggs maycausethem to burst,andpossiblydamagethe oven. Slice hard- boiledeggs beforeheating. In rarecases,poached eggs have beenknownto explode.Cover poached eggs and allow a standingtime of oneminutebefore cuttinginto them.

For best results,stir any liquid several times during heatingor reheating,Liquidsheatedin certaincontainers(especiallycontainersshaped like cylinders)maybecomeoverheated.The liquidmay splashout witha loudnoiseduringor afterheatingor when addingingredients(coffeegranules,tea bags, etc.). Thiscan harm the oven.

Microwaves may not reachthe centerof a roast. The heat spreadsto the centerfrom the outer, cookedareasjust as in regularoven cooking.This is one of the reasonsfor lettingsomefoods (for example,roastsor baked potatoes)standfor a while aftercooking,or for stirringsomefoodsduringthe cookingtime.

Do not deepfry in the oven. Microwavableutensils are not suitableand it is difficultto maintain appropriatedeep-fryingtemperatures.

Do not overcook potatoes. At the endof the recommendedcookingtime, potatoesshouldbe slightlyfirmbecausetheywill continuecooking duringstandingtime. After microwaving, let potatoesstandfor 5 minutes.Theywill finishcooking while standing.

Electrical connection


Havea qualifiedelectriciancheckyour electrical


than 110volts,cookingtimes maybe longer.


I If your electricpower lineor outletvoltageis less


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Kenmore 721.80604 manual Do not operatethe microwaveoven unlessthe glass, Followthe directionssuppliedwiththe browningdish