Searching the song you want to listen to by playing the first part
of each song.
You can search the song on disc, in MP3/WMA folder or MD
1Start Track Scan
Press the [SCN] button.
"Track Scan"/"Scan" is displayed.
"SCN" indicator is ON.

Track Scan

Repeating the currently played song.
Also repeating the currently played disc in the Disc changer,
MP3/WMA folder or song in the MD group.
Press the [REP] button.
Each time the button is pressed the Repeat Play switches as
shown below.
During CD/MD play
Repeat play Display
Track Repeat "Repeat" + "REP" indicator
Disc Repeat "Disc Repeat" + "D.REP" indicator
(In Disc Changer)
Group Repeat "Group Repeat" + "G.REP"indicator
(In MD with group registration)
During MP3/WMA play
Repeat play Display
File Repeat "File Repeat" + "REP" indicator
Folder Repeat "Folder Repeat" + "REP" indicator

Track/File/Disc/Folder/Group Repeat

Doing Disc Search by entering the disc number.
1Enter the disc number
Press the number buttons on the remote.
2Do Disc Search
Press the [DISC+] or [DISC–] button.
Canceling Direct Disc Search
Press the [38] button.

Direct Disc Search

(Function of disc changers with remote)

CD/MD/MP3/WMA/External disc control features
— 24—
Doing Track/File Search by entering the Track number.
1Enter the Track number
Press the number buttons on the remote.
2Do Track/File Search
Press the [4] or [¢] button.
Canceling Direct Track/File Search
Press the [38] button.

Direct Track/File Search (Function of remote)

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