b) If the meter shows +12 V DC, the vehicle has a Negative
Switched system. Connect the LZH-70W’s Dome Light
Wiring Harness in the following way:
• Blue wire --> vehicle’s switched dome light wire
• Orange wire --> a good earth point on the vehicle
• Green wire --> a fused constant 12 V source
16. Connect the harness wire multipin connectors to the
• Feed all slack through the hole in the headliner; Don’t
allow the slack to bunch up & cause lumps in the head-
• Leave a slight amount of slack behind the console to allow
it to be easily disassembled if necessary.
17. Secure the console to the bracket using the supplied
• Use the pilot holes drilled in Step 10.
When tightening the screws, be sure they do not
penetrate the vehicle’s roof!
• If you are not using the supplied screws, ensure that the
screws you are using are short enough not to penetrate
the roof.
Using the IR Emitters
The IR emitters allow users to conveniently control video
source components by aiming their remote controls at the
LZH-70W, instead of at the sources themselves (which may
be mounted some distance away from the console).
1. Peel the protective covering away from the adhesive tape
on the emitter.
2. Adhere the emitter directly in front of the source compo-
nent’s front-panel IR receiver.
6LZH-70W Installation Instructions
Step 17: Attaching the console to the mounting bracket
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