52In case of difficulty
In case of difficulty
Preparation section
Basic section
Application section
Knowledge section
What appears to be a malfunction may not always be serious. If your unit should not perform as expected, consult thetablebelowtoseeiftheproblemcanbecorrectedbeforeseekinghelpfromyourdealerorservicerepresentative.
Operation to reset |
| ||
The microcomputer may fall into malfunction (impos- |
| |
sibility to operate, erroneous display, etc.) when the | Pull the power plug from the receptacle, and then |
power cord is unplugged while power is ON or due | plug it in again while keeping the “on/standby” |
to an external factor. In this case, execute the follow- | key pressed. |
ing procedure to reset the microcomputer and return |
| |
it to normal condition. | Pull the power plug from the receptacle, and then |
| plug it in again. |
÷ Please note that resetting the microcomputer clears |
| |
the contents stored in it returns it to condition when it | Pull the power plug from the receptacle, and then |
plug it in again while keeping the “stop (7)” key |
| |
left the factory. |
| |
| pressed. |
Symptom | Cause | Remedy |
Sound is not produced. | ÷ The speaker cords are discon- | ÷ Connect properly referring to | @ |
| nected. | “System connection”. |
| ÷ The volume control is set to the | ÷ Adjust to an required volume. | * |
| minimum position. |
| ÷ The MUTE switch of remote con- | ÷ Switch MUTE OFF. | ( |
| trol unit is switched ON. |
| ÷ The headphone plug is inserted | ÷ Unplug the headphone plug. | ( |
| into the jack. |
All digits of the display section | ÷ The speaker cords are | ÷ TurnthepowerOFF,removetheshort- | @ |
show flashing indication of | cuited. | circuit and turn the power ON again. |
and no sound is put out. |
Sound is not produced from the | ÷ The speaker cords are discon- | ÷ Connect properly referring to | @ |
left or right speakers. | nected. | “System connection”. |
The clock display blinks without | ÷ There was a power failure. | ÷ Adjust the present time again. | r |
changing the figures. | ÷ The power cord was unplugged | ÷ Adjust the present time again. | r |
| from the outlet. |
Timer operation is not possible. | ÷ The present time has not been ad- | ÷ Adjust the present time referring | r |
| justed or there was a power failure. | to “Clock adjustment”. |
| ÷ The timer ON time and OFF time | ÷ SetthetimerONtimeandOFFtime. y | |
| have not been set. |
| ÷ The timer execution was not set | ÷ Press the “mode” key to set up | i |
| up. | the execution. |
Radio stations cannot be received. | ÷ Theantennashavenotbeenconnected. | ÷ Connect antennas. | 9 |
| ÷ A proper broadcasting band has | ÷ Select a band. | § |
| not been selected. |
| ÷ The frequency of the station to be | ÷ Tune to the frequency of the de- § | |
| received is not tuned. | sired station. |
Noise interferes. | ÷ Car ignition noise. | ÷ Install the outdoor antenna in an | 9 |
| ÷ Influence of an electric appliance. | apart position from the road. |
| ÷ Switch the suspected electric ap- |
| |
| ÷ A TV set is installed near the sys- | pliance OFF. |
| ÷ Install the TV or the system at an |
| |
| tem. | increased distance between them. |