To wind tape at high speed

To fast wind in

To fast wind in


direction \

1 @ &

# ¡

÷Press the & key to stop fast winding.

Selection of reverse mode (Main unit only)


Each press switches the modes as follows. 1 “ ” .... Playbackstops after having playedboth sides of tape in a deck. (Relay play : ¢)2“ ” ... Endless playback of both sides of tape.3“ ”...... Playback stops after having played one side of tape.

Let's put out some sound 23


Selection of Tape Equalizer (Main unit only)(XD-4....series only)

Select Tape Equalizer only when playing back a tape recordedwithDolbyNoiseReduction.(Ataperecorded without Dolby NR cannot be reproduced in normal audio if Tape Equalizer is selected when playing it.)

Lights up when

Tape Equalizer is on.


Each press switches the modes as follows. 1 “T. EQ” ON ..... Tape Equalizer is used

2“T.EQ”OFF ....... TapeEqualizerisnotused

÷The Tape Equalizer is effective for reduction of higher-frequency noise.

To stop playback




# ¡

÷ Do not take out the cassette tape until the tape

transport has stopped completely.



÷Normal (TYPE ), high (TYPE ), or metal (TYPE ) tape selection is set automatically.

÷Remove tape slack before loading.

÷Close the door securely.







Reverse mode indication. Displays the selected deck.

Lights up when a tape is present in the deck in use.

÷If the tape transport direction is opposite to the desired direction, press the play key corresponding to this.

Transport direction indicators

The indicators (2, 3) indicate the current direction in which the tape advances when playback or recording is started automatically by the one-touch operation function, etc.This direction is the direction stored in memory when the tape was last stopped.

(To switch the tape transport direction, press the play key corresponding to the desired direction then press the stop (&) key.)

Tape direction indicators of currently selected deck.

