ATTENTION! - Before use, please check that zerks are adequately greased (see page 21).

ATTENTION! - During the use of the spreader, please be sure there are not any persons or animals within 50 meters (165 Ft.). If someone comes up please stop immediately.

Recommendations for correct distribution

-Please always test lbs/acre you want to spread before starting to work.

-Use a fertilizer or seeds in perfect condition: a humid fertilizer cannot be spread uniformly and correctly.

-Avoid spreadiing fertilizer or seeds on windy days, in order to improve the unifor- mity of the distribution.


The pull type spreader can be hitched to every type of tractor or atv with 1-7/8” ball hitch providing it has the horsepower to pull it . To make the connection, it is neces- sary to put the ball hitch in the coupler on the pull type spreader, locking it pushing the lock handle towards the bottom. Check and regulate the length of the regulation tongue rod, so that the spreader disc is, as parallel as possible, to the ground in order to get a uniform distribution of the fertilizer or seed. Unscrew the locking bolt, as shown with the arrow in the picture below and move the rod to the position mak- ing unit parallel and lock the bolt in the new position.

Shaft Regulation Bar

Correct position of the spreadiing disc.


Page 15
Image 15
King Kutter S-ATV-180-U manual Pull Type Spreader USE, Recommendations for correct distribution, Connections