Kirby Morgan 77
3.12 Post Dive Procedures
3.12.1 Removing the Equipment
After the diver is well clear of the water he may remove the helmet. If the diver is working out of a stage he must not remove the helmet until the stage is on deck.
3.12.2 Removing the Helmet
Remove the helmet by pulling the sealed pull pins out (forward) and turning them until they are locked open in the extended position. Tilt your head and the helmet forward and swing the locking collar back behind your shoulders. You will need to pull down on the pull strap to break the seal between the neck dam ring and the helmet ring and to disengage the neck ring from the swing tongue catch.
Once the neck ring is disengaged from helmet ring, you can loosen the chin strap and then lift the helmet off of your head. A good tender will be prepared to help the diver with the removal of the helmet as required.
The emergency gas supply hose may be disconnected while the diver leaves the helmet on or while he holds the hat after removal. The quick disconnect makes this procedure very easy.
The tender should then unfasten the umbilical from the harness and take the helmet from the diver and set it aside. (Closing the locking collar/neck pad as- sembly onto the helmet before setting the hat down on a rough deck will help protect the helmet neck ring from damage). The harness and bailout bottle is then removed.
3.12.3 Storage of the Helmet
Between Dives
The helmet should be maintained per the daily main- tenance section in Chapter 6.
If the helmet is not going to be used for a period of time, the head cushion, should be removed. The head cushion should be dried and replaced in the hat before storage. The regulator adjustment knob should be unscrewed all the way out (counterclockwise) until the next dive. Be sure to check the communications components and allow them to fully dry.
When the helmet is completely dry, or the diver is ready to leave the job, the helmet should be stored in the carrying bag to protect it.
If the head cushion becomes wet it may be dried out
by removing it from the helmet, squeezing excess water out, and letting the head cushion hang dry or putting it in a clothes drier on air dry only.
The helmet should be rinsed with clean fresh water following each use, then thoroughly cleaned.
Use only the air dry setting when drying head cushion foam in a drier. Use of a higher setting could cause the foam to melt or start a fire.
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