...System layout considerations continued
In certain commercial applications a microphone paging override is required. Model MR171 paging and override module takes a balanced or unbalanced mic, (with defeatable phantom power) or a line level input and when activated overrides all inputs (even if some or all zones are in standby) and pages at a preset volume in all zones.
A variety of door chime and telephone paging, door entry and front door camera modules are being developed. Check our web site for more information.
The MVP64a includes a 12VDC trigger output to control and power various items when the MVP64a is powered up. When the MVP64a agoes into standby the trigger output ends. It's maximum output is 60mA.
An innovative IR connection system is also included to turn on and off the various source components as well as four separate commands. A Xantech
The on command is automatically generated when the MVP64a goes out of standby and into power up. The off command is automatically generated when the MVP64a goes from power on to standby. These sequences are generally used to turn on and off the source equipment.
To activate the four commands, when the system is powered up, press the MR60 keypad button FNC then quickly press one of the four source buttons on the top of the MR60 keypad. This will initiate a pulse at the MVP64a FUNCTION output, that in turn generates an IR command that is pumped back into the MVP64a IR emitter port 1 and out to the various emitters connected to ports
in bank 1 positions 1 through 6).
1.Write down the order for each of the sequences required for all of the six functions (not programmed with single commands).
2.Turn the bank 2 dip switch on; bank 1, 3, and 4 off.
3.Push PGM (program lamp goes on).
4.Using the wire attached to the
5.Hold the end of the wire to the
2.While holding the wire in place, press the remote control button of the second function while it is about
6.Continue this procedure until all of the required sequence commands have been learned by the
Note: When storing an IR signal command sequence, it is most reliable if commands to a component are timed as far apart as