A-61588 July 2008 3-33
Configuration options The Configuration Options screen provides a variety of options.
To access the Configuration Options screen:
• Click the Configuration options icon
QWERTY keyboard By default, the Scan Station will display the virtual keyboard in
QWERTY format. You may optionally select an alphabetically-sorted
keyboard format, by deselecting the QWERTY Keyboard option.
Allow custom Email
Addresses The Allow custom E-mail Addresses option allows a walk-up user to
enter an email address that is not currently in the address book. By
selecting Allow custom E-mail Addresses (this is the default), users
can enter new email addresses in an ad-hoc manner. Email addresses
are added temporarily to the currently selected list and will be removed
at the end of the users scan session.
Allow File Naming File Naming is a feature that allows a user to name both the folder and
the file name prefix used when scanning to either a network folder or a
USB flash drive. The folder will be appended to the path of the selected
destination and the file name will be used to create the actual file. The
user will optionally be able to turn on or off the date and time stamp
used when creating the file name. Unchecking this option will disable
the file naming feature.
Allow Saving to Flash Drive This feature allows an administrator to disable scanning to a USB flash
drive. This may be useful in more secure environments where tighter
control is required.