A-61588 July 2008 5-7
Method 2 — requires an update package and an administrative
configuration file to be copied to a USB flash drive. When the flash drive
is inserted into the Scan Station, the internal software recognizes the
administrative configuration file and the update package. Once
recognized, if the update package is a different version than the
currently installed version, the user is prompted to update the Scan
Station software. Both the old version number and the version number
of the update package will be displayed. If the administrator decides to
update the software, all the data found in the update package will be
copied to the Scan Station and installed. When the installation is
complete, click OK or remove the flash drive and the Scan Station will
automatically be restarted.
If the Scan Station does not restart, press the green “soft” button on the
back of the Scan Station. The Scan Station will shutdown in a normal
manner. This is very important because the final installation of files
occurs when the Scan Station is being shut down. Without the
shutdown and restart, the Scan Station may not be properly updated
and configured.
• It is important to make the distinction between the green “soft” button
found on the back of the Scan Station and the main power switch.
The main power switch should only be used after the Scan Station
has been shutdown via the green “soft” button. Using the main power
switch will cause an abrupt shutdown of the Scan Station and may
occasionally corrupt data files on the Scan Station. This is not
• You can obtain Update packages from the Kodak website or from
your Kodak service representative. Update packages will always be a
file called KSS100UPDATE.EXE.