changing default quantity, 42 from a card, 52 optimizing printer, 77 pictures, 52
tagged pictures, 38 this user guide, 1 without a computer, 52
protect icon, 27 protecting pictures, 31
Q quality
print with digital zoom, 19 settings, 24, 85
deleting pictures, 17 reviewing last picture, 17 turning off, 43
readme file, 61 ready light
status, 72
taking pictures, 15
register your camera, web, 77 regulatory information, 89 removeable memory card, 9
requirements Mac OS, 47, 48 Windows
resolution, setting, 24 return to previous menu, 42 review button, ii
review mode getting there, 27 menus, 28 overview, 11
picture information, 27 reviewing pictures, 27
reviewing pictures
as you take them, 17 deleting, 30 magnifying, 30
on LCD, 29
picture information, 35 protecting, 31
slide show, 31 running slide show, 31
safety, 84 batteries, 13
SD card, inserting, 9 self timer, 22
service and support, 78 setting