Chapter 5
Software Included With Your Camera
The KODAK Picture Software CD contains the following applications that let you access, transfer, and have fun with your digital pictures.
For detailed information on using the applications, refer to the online help supplied with each application.
KODAK Picture Transfer Software
Automatically transfer your pictures from the camera to the computer, organize and rename your picture files if you wish. See page 40 for more information.
KODAK Picture Software
After you have transferred your pictures to your computer, use KODAK Picture Software to:
µView and share your pictures.
µAdd special effects, make a custom slide show, fix
See page 41 for more information.
KODAK Camera Connection Software
KODAK Camera Connection Software displays the camera as a removable drive on your desktop. Access the pictures in your camera as you would the contents of any removable drive to transfer, copy, move, rename, or delete the pictures. For more information, see Transferring Your Pictures Manually on page 42.
QUICKTIME allows you to play back the portable slide show (KODAK Picture Road Show) that you create in KODAK Picture Software. For more information, refer to the QUICKTIME online help.