Performance of Dust Evasion System Test—detailed results, continued
This is a portion of the first image taken. There were streaks both in the image and in the
s Streak on the document
s Streaks seen in the background
The scanner’s ability to remove large amounts of dust from the imaging area was observed.
However, there was still a noticeable streak in the image after the dust was removed.
Dust particle size to trigger Canon DR-X10C Dust Detection System
The intent of this test was to run the scanner until there was a visible streak in the image and
disable the scanner. When the scanner was re-enabled the dust detection system was to
detect the dust, clean the imaging area and continue scanning. This test would be repeated
until the Dust Detection System could no longer correct for the dust on the guides.
To speed up the creation of dust, the Dust Creator Tool was used.
Photo of Dust Creation Tool
During our testing we noticed that there were very visible streaks in the images. When the
scanner was disabled and re-enabled, the Dust Detection System did not detect the dust.
The dust streak grew from 1 pixel wide to about 49 pixels wide. Dust was not detected by the
Dust Detection System using either the ON1 or ON2 settings.
The Dust Detection System did not detect dust that was clearly visible in the image.
For more information about testing methodology
and laboratory test results, click here
Return to Real-world environment
Table of Contents
Appendix 5—Real-world environment—Testing methodology and results (dust and contaminants), continued