Matchprint Professional Server for DocuColor 12 Printer/Copier – Quick Start
Step 4. Adding a Spooler
Creating a spooler allows workstations to see the proofer over the network as a custom printer with its own user definable configurations. Files that are sent to the spooler are automatically entered into the Job Queue for proofing.
Note for Windows NT and 2000: At the client Windows machine, either log into the same domain as the Matchprint Professional Server, or connect to the Matchprint Server with a valid user name and password that has a minimum of read access. For security purposes, KPG does NOT recommend enabling the Guest Account.
Failure to do so will result in Windows 2000 clients receiving the following error message when trying to print an image: "Could not complete the print command because the selected printer driver could not be found. Please select a printer from the control panel and try again."
1.Go to Input > Add Spooler. The Enter Spooler Name window displays:
2.Enter a spooler name. (This name is what client users will see when they select a printer on the network.)
Note: When creating a spooler to be used in a mixed Operating System environment, remember that Windows 98 require the spooler name to be 12 characters or less.
3.Click OK. The Input Method window displays:
4.Make sure Active is checked. (The default setting is for Active to be checked.)
5.Click on the parameter tabs and enter the Spooler configuration. When the file enters this Spooler, it is given these default settings.
6.When parameter information is complete, click OK to apply these settings.
Note: For PostScript jobs submitted via a Print File, job parameter settings for Number of Copies, Input Tray and Media Type override the PostScript file codes. For all other settings, the PostScript file settings override the job parameter settings.
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