Working with pictures/videos 17

Magnifying a picture

Playing a video

Tap Play to play a video.
During playback, tap anywhere to access Fast
Forward, Pause, Stop, Rewind, and Volume controls.
Touch and hold for 4 seconds to jump to a
bookmark (see page2 4).
Deleting pictures/videos
1Press the Review button.
2Tap for previous/next.
3Tap Delete, then follow the screen prompts. To exit,
tap X in the top right corner of the LCD.
NOTE: To delete protected pictures/videos, remove protection before deleting. (See Protecting
pictures/videos from deletion.)
Press Telephoto (T) to magnify a
picture 2X–8X.
to view other parts of the picture.
To return to 1X, press Wide
Angle (W) or Magnify - (minus).
4X 4X
1X2X 2X
Playback speed